Rock Band Wiki
Synchronicity II
The Police
Supervision Recommended
Released 1983
Genre Pop-Rock
Language English
Length 4:47
Source Rock Band Track Pack Vol. 1
Available July 15, 2008 (Pack)
November 7, 2007 (DLC)
Playable in
Rock Band
Rock Band 2
Rock Band 3
Rock Band 4
Rock Band Blitz
Band 2FcircleFcircleUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlce
Basic Pro
Guitar 2FcircleFcircleUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlce NoNo Part
Bass 2FcircleFcircleUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlce NoNo Part
Drums 3FcircleFcircleFcircleUFCirlceUFCirlce 3FcircleFcircleFcircleUFCirlceUFCirlce
Keys NoNo Part NoNo Part
Vocals 3FcircleFcircleFcircleUFCirlceUFCirlce 3FcircleFcircleFcircleUFCirlceUFCirlce
Male singer
2-part Harmonies

Synchronicity II is a song by The Police which is about the theory that seemingly coincidental events are connected through their meaning. Psychologist Carl Jung created the term as a way to explain paranormal events.

Sting was the writer of this song. He read a lot about Jung and became a believer in the concept of Synchronicity.

The Synchronicity in this song is the connection between the picket lines protesting environmental contamination and the resulting mutant-monster rising from the polluted lake. (Thanks, Michael - L.A., CA)

The Synchronicity could also be seen as what is happening at the Scottish loch and what is happening inside "Daddy's" head. The monster is coming out of the water and approaching the cottage. Daddy's despair and futility over his life are boiling to the surface just as he's arriving home. We can only imagine what will happen when he goes into the house. (Thanks, Heather - San Jose, CA)

The album opens with "Synchronicity I," which is a completely different song which they also used as the first song on their tour.

Synchronicity was the last album, and until 2007, the last tour for The Police. Even though they were immensely popular, Sting broke up the band to start a solo career.



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Rock Band



Synchronicity_II_by_The_Police_Full_Band_FC_-1111 The_Police_-_Synchronicity_II_-_Rock_Band_Blitz_Playthrough_(5_Stars)