Rock Band Wiki
Sir Psycho Sexy
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Supervision Recommended
Released 1991
Genre Alternative
Language English
Source Downloadable song
Playable in
Rock Band
Rock Band 2
Rock Band 3
Rock Band Blitz
Band 1FcircleUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlce
Basic Pro
Guitar 4FcircleFcircleFcircleFcircleUFCirlce NoNo Part
Bass 2FcircleFcircleUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlce NoNo Part
Drums 2FcircleFcircleUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlce 2FcircleFcircleUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlce
Keys NoNo Part NoNo Part
Vocals 3FcircleFcircleFcircleUFCirlceUFCirlce 3FcircleFcircleFcircleUFCirlceUFCirlce
Male singer
Vocal Tambourine
3-part Harmonies

Sir Psycho Sexy is a song by Red Hot Chili Peppers. It was released as a Rock Band downloadable single and as part of the Blood Sugar Sex Magik album pack on September 30, 2008. As of September 30, 2013, this track has been removed and is currently not available for purchase.
