Rock Band (iOS) was a game that was playable on iPhones and select iPod Touch devices. It is no longer available on the app store. On May 2, 2012, it was announced that the servers would be shut down on May 31, 2012, but this was sent by accident. On July 31, 2012, the game was removed from the app store due to expiring licenses for music.
The game's multiplayer worked with multiple iOS devices connected wirelessly with Bluetooth, or with Facebook Connect.
Main Article: Rock Band (iPhone OS) Setlist
Installing DLC Songs
The original way to do this is to download the song from the music store found on the main menu of the game. If you still want to install DLC songs on a new device you can do so by browsing to the folder labeled "Documents" found inside the game's folder [/private/var/mobile/Applications/AppSignatureID/Documents]. You can then drag the files that belongs to your DLC into that folder. Make sure it's all in the same folder and not put in sub-folders within Documents. Keep in mind this post shut-down method only works on Jailbroken devices due to the original servers being shut down.
Song Format
Each song all have a .pkg file with it's name being the id of that content. Inside this file is text that says the title of the song followed by the artist, and is formatted as such.
| Song Name by Artist - Other Song Name by Artist | songName | otherSongName
For unknown reasons the first character of the song names at the end are not capitalized while the rest can be, also no spaces or special characters. The | character indicates a unreadable character and varies between packs.
Next each song has it's own files with them all starting with the song name. The first file is a blob file which could contain general info about that song such as difficulty, and length. Next two are the files associated with the instrument, those being "songName_instrument_solo.dat", and "songName_instrument_trks.dat". The solo file is always there even if one does not exist for that track. Unable to see what is inside the solo file yet. The file ending with "trks" is where all of the audio tracks for that instrument are stored in. Am not sure if the tracks are purely audio or not. After the instruments is the final file on a song, "songName_mid.dat" which stores the midi files for the song as a whole with midis being the file format used for song charts in the Rock Band series including other things to the song like solo, and overdrive note indications. I can merely assume that the midi files are closely related to the format used in Rock Band Mobile which in itself is similar to how the main game does it. Songs included with the base setlist always have the filenames start with "a#", the number representing the order of the setlist.
Main article: Rock Band iPhone OS Achievements
- This is the first Rock Band game to have achievements internally in the game (as opposed to only through Xbox Live, or the PlayStation Network).
- This was the first game in the series to support Facebook account linking for things like sharing high scores and playing with others.
- This was only game in the series to not have traditional vocals (They can only be played with tapping on 4 notes like the other instruments)
- The next game, Rock Band Reloaded would add an option to use your voice on vocals, making the gameplay more standard.
- It was announced that on May 28th, 2012 the game's online features would not be available, including in-game purchases.[1]
- The "More EA Games" page no longer functions due to EA Games no longer hosting the server for older iOS games.
Find out what this means. The following lists the contents of a file known as "mlxprods" which was found in the game's directory. There is a mention of the main menu. All unreadable/unknown characters were removed.
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External Links
Official Game Site (Archive from February 8, 2010) Game on iTunes App Store (Archive from February 20, 2010)