Rock Band Wiki
Hair of the Dog
No Cover
The Very Best of Nazareth
Supervision Recommended
Released 1975 (2008)
Genre Rock
Language English
Source Rock Band Metal Track Pack
Available September 22, 2009 (Pack)
Playable in
Rock Band
Rock Band 2
Rock Band 3
Rock Band Blitz
Band 2FcircleFcircleUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlce
Basic Pro
Guitar 1FcircleUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlce NoNo Part
Bass 1FcircleUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlce NoNo Part
Drums 3FcircleFcircleFcircleUFCirlceUFCirlce 3FcircleFcircleFcircleUFCirlceUFCirlce
Keys NoNo Part NoNo Part
Vocals 1FcircleUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlce 1FcircleUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlce
Male singer
Guitar Solo
3-part Harmonies

Hair of the Dog is a song by Nazareth which is about a charming and manipulative woman who can get guys to acquiese to her every need. The singer is letting her know that she has met her match in him, and she won't be able to push him around.

"Hair of the Dog" does not appear in the lyrics. The logical title would be "Son of a Bitch," but it would be tough to get airplay with a song of that name. "Hair of the Dog" comes from the phrase "Hair of the dog that bit you," which some people consider a hangover cure, meaning that if you wake up in pain after drinking lots of beer the night before, a beer will help cure you.

In the US, this was used in a TV commercial for Dodge. (Thanks, Bertrand - Paris, France)

Girls Aloud sampled this on their UK hit "Sexy! No No No."

Artist to cover this song include Guns N' Roses, Warrant, and The Michael Schenker Group.


  • Drum Intro
  • Main Riff 1
  • Verse 1
  • Verse 1A
  • Chorus 1
  • Main Riff 2
  • Verse 2
  • Verse 2A
  • Chorus 2
  • Main Riff 3
  • Guitar Solo
  • Main Riff 4
  • Chorus 3
  • Chorus 4
  • Outro Solo
  • Outro Solo A
  • Ending