Rock Band Wiki
Come Out and Play (Keep 'Em Separated)
The Offspring
Supervision Recommended
Released 1994
Genre Punk
Language English
Source Rock Band 2
also in Unplugged
Available September 14, 2008
Playable in
Rock Band 2
Rock Band 3
Rock Band Blitz
Band 5FcircleFcircleFcircleFcircleFcircle
Basic Pro
Guitar 4FcircleFcircleFcircleFcircleUFCirlce 4FcircleFcircleFcircleFcircleUFCirlce
Bass 0UFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlce 0UFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlce
Drums 3FcircleFcircleFcircleUFCirlceUFCirlce 3FcircleFcircleFcircleUFCirlceUFCirlce
Keys NoNo Part NoNo Part
Vocals 4FcircleFcircleFcircleFcircleUFCirlce 4FcircleFcircleFcircleFcircleUFCirlce
Male singer
Drum Solo
3-part Harmonies

Come Out and Play is a song by The Offspring which is about gang and gun violence in schools, and was the breakthrough hit for The Offspring. The title is a reference to the 1979 movie The Warriors, which features the famous line, "Warriors... come out and play." (Thanks, Logan - Bellevue, WA)

This song was written after a trip to the Middle East. This is what inspired Dexter to write the catchy guitar riff.

The phrase, "Gotta keep 'em separated" came from when Dexter was in medical school. At the time, the band was unsure of how to tie the parts of the song together. One day, Dexter was experimenting with bacteria in vials. He left the vials of bacteria in a room to let them cool down. He came back after an hour or so and noticed that the bacteria were still warm because the two samples of bacteria were interacting with each other since the vials were close to each other. Dexter thought to himself, "I gotta keep 'em separated" and decided to use it to tie the new song together. (Thanks, Matt - Houston, TX, for above 2)

In the 2006 Adam Sandler movie Click, this song can be heard being played by the marching band in the background during the swimming meet scene in the beginning. (Thanks, Kevin - Bethlehem, PA)

According to The Offspring's record label website, Smash became the highest-selling album of all time on an independent label.

