Rock Band Wiki

¡Viva La Gloria! aka I Live the Glory! is a song by Green Day.


¡Viva La Gloria![]

¡Viva La Gloria!
Green Day
21st Century Breakdown
Family Friendly
Released 2009
Genre Rock
Language English
Source Green Day: Rock Band
Available June 8, 2010
Playable in
Rock Band
Rock Band 2
Rock Band 3
Rock Band Blitz
Lego Rock Band
Green Day: Rock Band
Green Day: Rock Band
Band 3FcircleFcircleFcircleUFCirlceUFCirlce
Basic Pro
Guitar 2FcircleFcircleUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlce 0UFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlce
Bass 1FcircleUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlce 0UFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlce
Drums 4FcircleFcircleFcircleFcircleUFCirlce 4FcircleFcircleFcircleFcircleUFCirlce
Keys NoNo Part NoNo Part
Vocals 3FcircleFcircleFcircleUFCirlceUFCirlce 3FcircleFcircleFcircleUFCirlceUFCirlce
Male singer
2-part Harmonies

¡Viva La Gloria! aka I Live the Glory! is a song by Green Day.

Frontman Billie Joe Armstrong explained to Q magazine May 2009: "It's like, the older you get the more you get detached from the naivety you had when you were growing up. How do you keep that spark?"

Gloria is one of two reoccurring characters that feature on 21st Century Breakdown. Whilst the kamikaze nihilist Christian is the side of Armstrong that he tries to keep under wrap, Gloria, who is fighting to hold on to her youthful idealism is a combination of the singer and his wife Adrienne.

This song has 2-part harmonies.



¿Viva La Gloria? (Little Girl)[]

¿Viva La Gloria? (Little Girl)
Green Day
21st Century Breakdown
Supervision Recommended
Released 2009
Genre Rock
Language English
Source Green Day: Rock Band
Available June 8, 2010
Playable in
Rock Band
Rock Band 2
Rock Band 3
Rock Band Blitz
Green Day: Rock Band
Green Day: Rock Band
Band 0UFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlce
Basic Pro
Guitar 1FcircleUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlce 0UFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlce
Bass 1FcircleUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlce 0UFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlce
Drums 2FcircleFcircleUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlce 2FcircleFcircleUFCirlceUFCirlceUFCirlce
Keys NoNo Part NoNo Part
Vocals 3FcircleFcircleFcircleUFCirlceUFCirlce 3FcircleFcircleFcircleUFCirlceUFCirlce
Male singer
3-part Harmonies

¿Viva La Gloria? (Little Girl) aka I Live the Glory? (Little Girl) is a song by Green Day.

Green Day vocalist and chief songwriter Billie Joe Armstrong explained to Q magazine May 2009: "It's about a woman with a heavy drug problem." Her added that the song "is about a person who has a vision, but this is a person who's distorting that vision with drugs and self-destruction."

The politically active Gloria is one of two reoccurring characters who feature on 21st Century Breakdown, (the other being the nihilistic Christian). Armstrong explained to The Sunday Times on April 26, 2009 that Gloria, "wants the whole carry-the-torch thing, whereas Christian wants to burn the whole place down."

This song has 3-part harmonies.

